Professional Chemical Peels
We offer a wide range of treatment options for the most dramatic results for your skin concerns. Chemical peel is the gentlest and most consistent way to treat your skin and get that J-Lo glow for your special event.
HOW does the treatment feel?
The name of the procedure often makes people think it is a harsh treatment but on the contrary this is not an ablative treatment. So no worries you will not peel a sheet of your skin on your wedding day.
You can expect no pain and only mild tingling for perhaps 30 seconds or so and then a glowing skin afterwards. No redness or pain even right after the peel.
How often do I need this treatment?
This is a great treatment to get every 4 weeks in between energy based treatments to enhance your skin rejuvenation or pigment correction. You can even get just this by itself every 1-3 weeks depending on your skin concerns.
What is the cost?
Per treatment it varies depending on the product being used but it starts from $75.
Do you have Vivier Peel/ Jessner Peel?
Yes we do and it is starting price at $100