Laser Treatment Services
Laser Treatment Services
On your initial complimentary Consultation at Dr Beeautiful, you will get a detailed assessment of your medical history and current concerns, get a complimentary skin Analysis with Visia Skin Analysis technology, discuss, and confirm your goals for treatment, go over recommended treatments and finally find a detailed treatment plan that is personalized to your own unique needs and skin. There is no obligation to accept to go through the suggested treatment plan at the Consultation and its purpose is to only offer our knowledge and expertise to answer your queries and help you feel comfortable in deciding either way for any future treatment plans and answer any questions or concerns that you may have. A Consultation is recommended for those that are new to Dr Beeautiful Aesthetics as it is important for our physician to do that in person to achieve the best possible outcomes.
As part of our strategy to extend the effects of your investment we recommend Facials at regular interval to ensure your skin is healthy and not being smothered by the day to day pollutants and toxic elements.
Energy based Facials are a great option to add to those regular facials even if you do not have any major skin concerns and simply want to get a glowing healthy skin for your special day. These energy settings are quite different than those used for specific treatment purposes.
If you are curious or interested send us a email/text or simply book an initial complimentary consult and we would be happy to explain more.
Energy Blended Facial for dark skin
Dr.Beeautiful uses PicoSure pro® technology which is state of the art technology for darker skin type for improving texture and pigment and is a great option to add in to our Medical Grade Facials or just by itself. After consultation at DrBeeautiful we will be advising if this is a safe option for you and will make a treatment suggestion personalized to your skin!
Energy Blended Facial for light skin
With Elite iQ™ technology Dr.Beeautiful treats age spots, freckles, birthmarks, and hyperpigmentation that varies in different shapes and sizes. If you’re looking for a way to reduce the appearance of your pigmented lesions and achieve a smoother, more even skin tone and texture, look no further, Dr.Beeautiful is here for you. This is a great option to get a facial 4-6 weeks before your special day by itself or to add in to our Medical Grade Facials. After consultation at DrBeeautiful we will be advising if this is a safe option for you and will make a treatment suggestion personalized to your skin!
5D and 50-50 Facials
At Dr.Beeautiful we take pride in ensuring we take of your mature skin as the need is quite different than a young acne prone skin. With advancing decades and sometimes added lifestyle related issues we get age spots, sun spots, wrinkles, thin skin, and hyperpigmentation that requires different combination of treatment than regular Medical Grade Facials or even Energy based treatments. So we have come up with specific treatment protocols based on some of the cult favorites to offer you the best possible outcome. If you’re looking to get a regular Facial or a special one for the upcoming “Mom of Bride/Bridegroom” this is the perfect solution for you. This Energy blended Facial is the best to reduce the aging appearance of your skin and achieve a smoother, more even skin tone and texture. After consultation at DrBeeautiful we will be advising if this is a safe option for you and will make a treatment suggestion personalized to your skin!